Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Big Boy and A Wedding

I can't believe how fast J is growing up!! It feels like just yesterday when we were bringing him home from the hospital and now he is a big 2 year old! He is talking more and more every day and you can actually have somewhat of a conversation with him now. In a lot of ways it is so much easier that he can talk and comprehend things. For example, yesterday I got the dreaded phone call from daycare that said "J bit a friend on the hand today when that friend tried to take a toy away from him." I completely understand why they keep it anonymous, but I still like to know who it was. So, on the way home from school my conversation went something like this with J.

Me: J did you bite a friend at school today?

J: Yes.

Me: Who did you bite?

J: My bite K

Me: Oh. What happened?

J: Miss Den (read Miss Jen) put my in time out.

Me: Oh. What did K do to make you bite him?

J: K take my toy. Miss Den put my in time out. My cryin.

So now I can not only find out who does what in school, but I can also find out the consequences of what J does. It's sort of nice...that is, assuming he tells the truth :)

His talking is starting to really come through in his reading skills too. He loves to read the Very Hungry Caterpillar book. I just love how he says 'salami'. Here is a little clip of his excellent "reading" skills.
We also decided it was time to try out the big boy bed. He wasn't crawling out of his crib yet, but thought that may help us out in the long run. We thought for sure we would have some issues. The first test was naptime. I couldn't believe that he got in his new big boy bed and he didn't put up a fight or try to get out at all! He slept for 2 hours! We took a nap at the same time that day and when J woke up he just sat there in his bed at first. Then he realized he could get out. So out he came. He opened his door then shut his door and scampered into our room with the proudest of smiles on his face and announced that he took a nap in his bed. He was so excited. We really haven't had any issues at all with him going to bed. The only small issue we have had (which really isn't an issue, more of an inconvenience for us) is that he was sleeping in in the morning until 7 or 8 am in his crib. Now that he can get out of his bed, he is coming in to wake us up at 5 or 6am. Hopefully that will get better with time too.

This past weekend Dan and I took a trip to Texas for our friend Bia's wedding and J stayed at home with Nana and Pop. This was the first time that both of us had been far away from him at the same time. It was a bit nerve-wrecking for me to say the least. I had so many reservations about leaving my baby even though I knew he would be absolutely fine playing with his aunts and uncle at my parents house. We ended up having a really good weekend in Texas. I think we called J at least twice a day and each time we called he was having too much fun and was too preoccupied to say anything other than hi, tell us what he was doing at that moment, i love you, and bye. It's probably better that way because if he got upset when I called I think I would have been on the next flight out of Dallas! He was super excited to see us on Sunday though which made me so happy! So a big thanks to Nana and Pop for watching my baby for the weekend!

Our weekend in Texas was filled with wedding events. We got into town on Thursday morning and went to our friends Tony and Misty's house. They were kind enough to put us up for the weekend and it helped to have them and their 3 boys around all weekend. Thursday night was a nice spaghetti dinner hosted by Bia's (the groom) parents. Then Friday Dan and Tony went golfing with the wedding men and Misty and I went shopping. It was so nice to hang out with another mom and to trade stories. I also feel like I learned a lot about being a good mom from her. She is so wonderful with her kids and you can just see the love and respect that goes both ways. Friday night was the fun rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal dinner was at a very cute winery that had some very good wine. A lot of wine was consumed that night! Then Saturday we went out to lunch with Tony, Misty and the boys to get our Mexican fill. It was wonderful! Saturday night was the wedding and reception. The wedding was very nice and the bride was beautiful (the groom was pretty handsome too :) ). We had a lot of fun all weekend long with friends that we don't get to see often enough! Thanks a lot to everyone that helped to make this weekend happen! We miss you all! Here is a slideshow of the weekend's events.

I will leave you with one last picture of my boys at work. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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