Thursday, July 23, 2009

Play That Funky Music White Boy!

Jarred has been talking and obsessing and talking and obsessing some more about wanting a "atar" (otherwise known as a guitar). Ever since we got one for my brother for his 5th birthday back in April Jarred has been infatuated with them. Well a couple of weeks ago, we went to a local carnival with our neighbors. There were a bunch of rides, games, food, and of course crazy carney people. We came across this one particular game in which you had to roll 6 balls down a ramp and land them in numbered chutes. Once all six balls were rolled down the ramp and in their chute, you added up the numbers and to win you either had to be less than 11 or more than 30. Now growing up I was never allowed to play games at amusement parks or carnivals so I always thought it was a complete waste of money. Now what do you suppose the prize was for this fairly impossible to win game? You guessed it...a guitar just Jarred's size. Well, he saw those guitars hanging and pretty much had a meltdown about wanting a guitar. Dan ended up playing that game 9 times and spending $15, but on the 8th game, he won! So, now Jarred has his 'atar' and he walks around playing it constantly, makes up songs, he even takes it in the car.

We did have fun at the carnival besides Dan winning the coveted guitar. Jarred and Christopher had a great time going on a few rides. Their favorite ride however was this little roller coaster which they were probably too small for. But we put them in the same seat, lectured them to hold on, and let them go. They had a blast!

That weekend we also went to the zoo with the neighbors and their kiddos. For the most part, the boys had a good time. However, Jarred did have some major meltdowns towards the end of the day which were pretty painful. I'm glad we decided to get a season pass for the zoo so we aren't so stressed about seeing every last animal when we go and we can just relax and see what we see that day. The boys really liked seeing and chasing the peacocks around that were just walking out in the open.

We also went to our friend's house for dinner that Sunday. They have a little girl who is a year younger than Jarred named Meera. We took Jarred's bouncer so he would have something to keep him occupied while we chatted and I'm so glad we did. He enjoyed it and so did long as someone was in it with her. She is such a cutie pie! I think she has a thing for Dan because whenever she saw him she just smiled and giggled.

I will close this post with one thing that has been laying heavily on my heart and mind lately. Dan will be the first to tell you that I spend quite a bit of time reading other blogs. I really enjoy reading other people's stories and getting ideas for everything from activities for Jarred, to recipes to home decorating. One thing that really tugs at my heartstrings is when I come across a blog of someone with a sick child. I am just amazed at how many people rally around these families and lift them up in prayer. The power of prayer is just so awesome! So, keeping with that idea, there is one little girl in particular that has been in my heart the past couple of weeks. Her name is Kate and she was diagnosed with a very aggressive, malignant brain tumor.

Since being diagnosed a couple of weeks ago, she has had surgery that removed about 50% of the tumor, but because of where it is it is very dangerous and they cannot remove the whole thing. Since the surgery she has lost a lot of function in the right side of her body. She now starts her rounds of chemo and radiation with her first day of chemo being today. Please go to their caring bridge blog site and read her journal and lift this little girl and her parents and siblings up in prayer. They need the strength, support and love right now. Here are a couple of links to videos about her and her diagnosis and battle thus far. Pray that throughout this battle Kate is able to keep some of her innocence and spunk.

"A Day in the Life of Kate" (Note: This video is post surgery) -

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